About me

  I studied English Language and Literature at Pamukkale University, Denizli. I have just graduated in 2020 #Class2020. I also attended the pedagogical formation program in the Education Faculty and completed it by doing an internship at Denizli High School as an English Language Teacher. I read a lot😊 and love writing too. My faculty provided me with great opportunities for writing. We had a literary conference in our department. check it out - https://eksisozluk.com/paces--5309217

 I love writing, doing research and sharing information. So, I would like to share my interpretations,-maybe about films, short stories, books etc.-, essays, articles and reviews with you! 😍 I would like to give some suggestions to you too. 

More about me: I live in a small town right now. I am a nature lover. Probably I will be living in a small village in the future. I have a huge family. We have a bit different family backgrounds. I'm in love with music🎶💓 Music is an anchor for me. I grew up in a crowded family and music has always been our common amusement. 💃🏻

 I love science fiction books -and films-

a lot. They help me to see the present from a different perspective. I also love dystopian and fantastic series.

 I have three students for now.👩🏼‍🏫 I have been teaching them English. Everyone is waiting for this covid-19 to pass. I am one of them.✋ I want to share my essays about books and reviews of films so that we can spend more quality time these days.


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