What is the meaning of Celestial?

Celestial, by definition, means positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.  When I first read its definition I dreamt a nebula. So,  I wanted to name my blog with this beautiful adjective since as a noun it also means a heavenly or mythical being. I thought that all these things around us such as nature, earth, moon, planets and space&beyond are quite mythical. All of these are the things that connected to our soul that's why we are also celestial bodies. I have been feeling that wandering around the stars as a celestial body for a long time and there are lots of things in my mind. It is high time to write and share them. 😊 The meaning of celestial is much deeper than this for me. I want to share my thoughts and ideas about everything related to my soul from here to you. Sometimes a conversation, a book, a poem or a film can take you away. They make you feel like you are in the outer space and looking down to the universe that stands under your feet. You start thinking about it deeply and your soul goes out a journey to the stars. Maybe with this connection, we can feel as if we were travelling throughout space and among the stars.🌟


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