The Time Machine : An invention

  In The Time Machine, Time Traveller travels the year 802,701 to discover England in the distant future.  He comes across that the human race has evolved into two distinct species.  Time traveller's first suggestion is a utopian society for the first interactions with Eloi who are beautiful but useless, living in palaces for communal living. However, when he comes across Morlocks, savage creatures who live underground and seems to perform to keep society functioning, he understands that this society is not classless. The Time Traveller awakens to another possibility. Has the social separation between rich and poor become so extreme that the two groups have evolved into separate species?   Wells criticises the gap between the upper class and middle class of the Victorian Era through his protagonist's views.  Wells warns humanity against continuity of social injustice and capitalism with the future that he depicts. The Time Machine not only contains future elements that have been coined by Wells such as time travel but it also questions natural selection in terms of social Darwinism.


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