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Discovering The Past, ThePresent and The Future:Time Machine, An invention

Introduction:   The Time Machine is Wells’ first book in the science fiction genre. It is a most famous work based on his idea of a time machine. It is also a critique of utopian ideas. It sets a pattern for science fiction to critique extreme developments of class. In the Time Machine, Wells’ protagonist travels into the distant future - the year 802,701 - to discover that the human race has evolved into two distinct species, the ‘Eloi’ who live on the surface and the ‘Morlocks’ who live underground. The Time Traveller’s observations suggest a utopian society at first; he meets with Eloi, who are beautiful but useless. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings and have a fruit-based diet. However, while at first glance the Eloi seem to inhabit a classless society, when the troglodytic Morlocks come into view, The Time Traveller awakens to another possibility. Has the social separation between rich and poor become so extreme that th

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